

Why the Avatar Mattress is the easiest purchase you’ll ever make.

Why the Avatar Mattress is the easiest purchase you’ll ever make.

29th Nov 2017

1. You can buy a bed straight from your bed. In just three clicks, you can order the Avatar online. In a matter of days, it will land on your doorstep in a “how did they do that?” sized box. 

2. You’ll go from box to bed in approximately 60 seconds — less time than a commercial break. Watching the Avatar mattress unfold before your eyes is even better than any new television advertisement anyway. 

3. We don't skrimp on quality - the Avatar mattress is manufactured to the highest possible standard. You and your family will rest easy knowing that your new Avatar purchase will endure a long and supportive life. 

4. Our BedsOnline customer service team members are always on hand - 7 days a week - to make sure no one is left in the dark. Call us on 1300 112 337. When you need help, we’ll be there. 

So, what are you waiting for? Shop the Avatar Mattress online today >